Blundstone Shipwright’s Village, American Precinct and Small Stages
November 30, 2018
2019 Preview Program Is Out!
December 2, 2018
Boats Ashore Places Filling Rapidly
The 2019 AWBF is fast upon us and indications are that this, the 13th, will indeed be a feast for the senses, complete with a miscellany of vessels from Australia and overseas. The Boats Ashore section has been well-subscribed but there are still places available.
Prospective exhibitors are encouraged to get organised, get on-line and register their precious vessels. The benefits of participation are many-fold: the opportunity to meet with like-minded ‘boaties’ and compare renovation challenges and tips; make new friends over tales of aquatic adventures; interact with an admiring and enthusiastic public, some of whom dare to dream of similar feats; enjoy everything this world-renowned festival has to offer from a unique, participant’s perspective; and, importantly, become the proud owner of a AWBF 2019 Exhibitor’s Plaque which could be displayed proudly on your vessel or go straight to the poolroom……
There are no strict guidelines for entry, simply that your vessel be made of timber. It does not have to be in pristine condition; in fact, a renovation in progress is a great story to share. Vessels already registered represent all manner of messing around in boats: sailing, rowing, paddling, motoring, or simply a work of art, normally suspended from a rafter. These include dinghies, punts and dories, power boats, canoes, kayaks, and even a wooden surfboard. In particular, you’ll see Chris Craft, Fazackerly dinghies, a 1924 rowing eight, a Viking Faering, a Hartley TS16, a Drascombe lugger, a Couta boat, a Swampscott dory, as well as a number of interesting boats recently arrived with the contingent from the USA.
The boats featured here include Sabre, a German-designed 1953 ‘Sharpie’, the Tasmanian State Champion in 1954, restored in 2015. Also to admire: Selah, an Arch Davis designed hoop pine framed dinghy finished in Pacific maple and marine ply; and Junior K1, a beautifully finished western red cedar and Paulownia kayak made for children. Each of these beautiful vessels represent years of work, dedication and enjoyment. Join in and share your story.
I look forward to welcoming all Boats Ashore participants to the AWBF in Feb 2019.