Board member since September 2023
Chris was born in the UK and emigrated to Australia in 1969. He has lived in Sydney, Melbourne and, since 2005, in Tasmania.
His working life was spent in logistics and supply chain management, initially in operational positions in the chemical and paint industries, and later as a consultant. As Principal of his logistics consulting business he managed numerous projects in a wide range of industries in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, China and the Middle East.
Chris began his involvement with the Australian Wooden Boat Festival not long after arriving in Tasmania. He has managed two Indonesian Villages (2009 and 2011), established the vessel registration system, and convened and managed the four Wooden Boat Symposiums that have become such an important part of the Festival since 2015. In 2017 he was the Tasmanian Volunteering Award winner - Arts, Heritage, and Tourism - for his work with Australian Wooden Boat Festival.
In 2014 he joined the Board of Australian Wooden Boat Festival where his knowledge of the workings of the Festival proved very useful. He took on the role of Secretary In 2017, retiring from the Board in 2021. He rejoined the Board as Secretary in 2023.
Chris is a member and past Commodore of the Cruising Yacht Club of Tasmania and enjoys nothing more than quietly cruising around the D’Entrecasteaux Channel – and further afield – on his classic motor-sailer.
Board Member 2014-2021
Secretary 2017-2021 and 2023