AWBF wins Hobart City Council Volunteers Citation
July 23, 2015The Lonely Boat
July 23, 2015It’s hard to explain, but there is some sort of unconscious connection going on here between dogs and wooden boats. Every two years, at the gathering of the clans that is the MyState Australian Wooden Boat Festival, there are many boat owners who cannot bear to be separated from their loyal friends, so they bring them along. That’s not so unusual, but what puzzles us here at the AWBF is why the photographs should be so inexplicably attractive. Download figures from the AWBF website tell us that these images of small dogs, old dogs, big dogs or wet dogs on wooden boats outplay just about anything else. You can take your fine photographs of lovely boats, superb seascapes of the Hobart waterfront, magical sunsets and even adorable kids at play and the dog wins every time.