Letter from the Chairman
October 16, 2016
Westwind at Eighty – She’s Back!
October 16, 2016Greetings, All
Well, we’ve just caught our breath after the Australian Antarctic Festival (AWBF produced the four-day event for the Mawson’s Huts Foundation) and we’re straight in to the fast lane for the Australian Wooden Boat Festival 2017. With more than 350 boats registered so far, we are well on our way to over-booked. We are encouraging any owner who is able to display their boat on a trailer or cradle to register soon – we have plenty of room on the hard at the moment, but that will fill quickly, so don’t delay. Registrations for Boats Ashore close on December 16. Model boat fans are also encouraged to get on line and register early. Model boats are back in Constitution Dock this year with a great display venue in the Waterside Pavilion. The Maritime Marketplace is full to bursting with commercial exhibitors, making the AWBF one of the biggest maritime trade shows on the Australian calendar. You can find everything from beautiful woodworking tools to almost every book ever written on nautical topics, the latest engine technology, safety equipment, clothing and more.
Even our October newsletter is jam-packed, with features on all the exciting boats being prepared right now for the big event. The Dutch Project is also gearing up and a media launch in Amsterdam saw the Australian Ambassador wish the team of Dutch boat builders good luck and safe travel. Two containers full of Dutch boats will leave the Netherlands very soon, bound for Hobart with some superb examples of Dutch design, including the ‘Rainbow Boat’ with Royal connections.
Watch for the feature exhibition ‘Through Tasman’s Eyes’ at the Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery opening in December as a lead-in to the major exhibition on the early Dutch explorers to follow in February. Keep signed up to the AWBF newletter/blog for all the latest details and join us on Facebook for breaking stories. Sixteen weeks and counting!
Paul Cullen
General Manager