Stunning Exhibition at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
January 17, 2017
75 Years for Rhona H
January 17, 2017
The ANMM International Wooden Boat Symposium is loaded with interest for all boat enthusiasts and maritime history buffs. We get some wonderful guest lecturers through the year, presented by the Tasmanian Maritime Museum and other organisations, but it’s very rare to gather so many leading names in the maritime world in one place. The Symposium, sponsored by the Australian National Maritime Museum and generously supported by the University of Tasmania, is presented entirely free to the public.
The Australian National Maritime Museum is delighted to sponsor the International Wooden Boat Symposium as part of the 2017 MyState Australian Wooden Boat Festival. As the national maritime museum we have a longstanding commitment to reach out across the country, fostering greater understanding and appreciation of our national maritime story.
Since 2010 we have awarded over $72,000 in grant funding to heritage institutions in Tasmania; our exhibition War at Sea – the Navy in WWI is currently showing at the Maritime Museum of Tasmania; we have 65 Tasmanian vessels listed on the Australian Register of Historic Vessels (ARHV) and we recently appointed a new ARHV research assistant based in Tasmania to research and document significant vessels in Tasmania. So please keep a lookout for the ANMM stall for more information or to register your vessel.
We are proud to support the Symposium this year which alongside these initiatives enables us to directly engage with Tasmanians and their rich history.
International guests from North America and New Zealand head the program this year. Celebrated designer Ron Holland and long distance sailor Lin Pardey will draw the crowds and maritime photography legend Ben Medlowitz will share his photographic insights. ANMM contributes distinguished experts like Jeffrey Mellefont on Indonesian culture, Donna Carstens on Aboriginal boat building traditions, David Payne on historic vessels and Dr Nigel Erskine on the search for Cook’s Endeavour. Artist Melinda Piesse will speak about her stunning Batavia Tapestry (on display at the Dechaineux Theatre). OffCenterHarbor pioneers Steve Stone, Eric Blake and Ben Mendlowitz will describe the runaway success of their popular website and veteran tall ship skipper Gary Wilson will tell of an adventurous life spent at sea. Wayne Parr gets down to the (absolutely not) gritty detail with a popular session on marine varnishes and Chris Burke celebrates the inspiring designs of Lyle Hess. Maritime journalist and author Bruce Stannard joins Graeme Boxham to trace the history of the Tasmanian ‘Piners Punt’. Author and circumnavigator Kaci Cronkhite leads a panel discussion on the future of wooden boat building skills.
The MyState Australian Wooden Boat Festival is a wonderful celebration of Australia’s diverse maritime traditions and culture, and we’re delighted to have a role in bringing together such a talented line-up of speakers to share their experiences. With 17 speakers over 3 days and topics ranging from boat restoration to boating photography and the hunt for the remains of James Cook’s Endeavour, it’s not to be missed! I hope to see you there.
Kevin Sumption
Director & CEO
Australian National Maritime Museum
The International Wooden Boat Symposium will be officially opened by Her Excellency Professor The Honourable Kate Warner, AM, Governor of Tasmania.