Festival Friends – Len Randell
May 21, 2020
Brion Toss – Not Forgotten
June 29, 2020
Short Courses at the 2021 Festival
An exciting new program of short Boating Associated Courses is to be introduced during next year’s Australian Wooden Boat Festival.
The Wooden Boat Centre in Franklin has an exciting program of short courses ranging from one day to six days.
Just imagine after six days, you have constructed your 14 foot rowing kayak, and you are ready to load it on your roof rack ready for the water’s adventure, wow. What about a five day course of oar or paddle making, your own oars or paddle hand crafted by you, with expert tuition?
May be of interest is a one day course of Fancy Nautical Rope Work, a Canvas Wooden base and ropes bailing bucket, or a one day Boat Lofting course and demonstration.
It’s all possible thanks to the partnership with the training skills of The Wooden Boat Centre and the Australian Wooden Boat Festival.
The Boat Festival is also pleased to partner with the Macquarie Point Corporation. We’ll be using the Goods Shed facility on site to conduct the courses during the Festival period.
Details of the courses, the duration and costing are:
Courses 5-7 Days
1. Skin on frame Kayak, 14 ft., 14 kg, and six day course with paddle. Materials and tuition supplied $3,300.
2. Skin on frame Dinghy, choice of Whitehall 13.5 ft. or Ruth Performance Rowing Wherry, 18 ft., duration 6/7 days with all materials and tuition, $5,500. Price includes all materials and oars.
3. Oar or paddle making course in Tasmanian timbers, 5 days duration with materials and tuition, $990.
Short Courses 1 day
4. Canvas Boat Bucket, with solid wooden base, and rope work. Materials and tuition supplied, $440.00
5. Shaker Boxes constructed in Tasmanian Celery Top or Blackwood, wood steaming, materials and tuition supplied, $440.00
6. Fancy Rope work Class, materials and tuition supplied, $440.00
6. Boat Lofting Class and Demonstration, materials and tuition supplied $400.00
Class sizes will be limited to ensure quality one on one tuition support and training of courses.
You can pre-book your course right now by following this link: http://www.woodenboatcentre.com/wbf
Further information can be obtained from the Wooden Boat Centre by telephoning 03 6266 3586

Build your own…
Canvas Bucket Shaker Box Lofting Decorative Mats
Sign up for your Noisy Boatyard Short Course at the 2021 Australian Wooden Boat Festival: http://www.woodenboatcentre.com/wbf