A Thousand Words and More
July 5, 2019
Riawe: A Tassie Legend
July 12, 2019
The 2019 MyState Bank Australian Wooden Boat welcomed more than half (53%) of its audience from interstate and overseas. These people were our guests for an amazing long weekend of Tassie hospitality and good times. When we sent out a post-festival survey to 1,750 email addresses, we asked the question: What did you like best about the Wooden Boat Festival? Here are some of the replies:
- “I loved the friendly atmosphere of the Festival and the range and quality of boats on show. There was a lot on offer and although I didn’t go to everything, I thought the range of activities offered such as lectures, films was excellent.”
- “It was Exciting, Interesting, Fun, Tasty, Entertaining, Informative and FREE.”
- “It was wonderful to see all the women’s boats exhibited and wood working skills on display, but I enjoyed best of all seeing sooooo many happy people out enjoying themselves.”
- “The ambience of the Festival was very welcoming. The amount of various boats – different styles and vintages from all over the world. The people who were volunteering and the boat owners were all friendly. The entertainment was excellent as well.”

The American Team and Guests at AWBF 2019, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. © Syd Reinhardt | BALLANTYNE Photography
- “The best aspect was the wonderful atmosphere of friendliness and comradeship of the festival.”
- “History of Tasmanian timber boats and the people involved also seeing young children getting involved with so many different water sports…”
- “Excellent maritime speakers, wide range of exhibits and wonderful entertainment.”
- “Awesome, amazing, beautiful craftsmanship, great weather, volunteers, food, entertainment.”

© Terry Sims | BALLANTYNE Photography
- “I enjoyed looking at the beautiful boats and talking to people who knew about and loved them. I came away inspired to restore the old boat I have in my shed.”
- “Extremely well run colourful and entertaining event with free entry.”
- “Friendly, enthusiastic, incredibly well organised. Loved the addition of the film festival.”
- “We absolutely appreciate the ongoing (support from) MyState Bank in sponsoring the Festival.”
- “What we experienced that weekend was a huge lot of fun and very well run, as I am sure were all the other events we did not attend. For all concerned, the sponsors and the organisers, that had a hand in the operation of the Wooden Boat Festival they should be proud.”
- “The fact that everything was free. I mean, FREE? Really? You wouldn’t see that in Sydney.”

© Robert Oates | BALLANTYNE Photography
Was it the sparkling summer seas of Hobart,
or the wee green wooden boat that stole my heart?
No, t’was the passion, the fun, the food, and just taking part.
- “The most genuine and well organised event in the country.”
- “The boats are fantastic, and all the events – it has become a must do for boaties. As a result, you can catch up with friends from all over Australia or NZ at the same time. The social aspect is as good as the seventeen coats of varnish on some of the boats!!”
- “The MyState Bank Australian Wooden Boat Festival is an Australian icon of wooden boat festivals and Tassie does it superbly well.”

© Terry Sims | BALLANTYNE Photography
- ” A fantastic festival that appears to get better all the time. Love the amount of boats that enter and the pride that goes with it, the island and the community minded folk. A breath of fresh air.”
- “I was really impressed with the way it was set up and run. It made me want to come back to Tasmania to see more.”
- “Awesome community focus on celebrating wooden boats. I mean, the entire island seemed excited about the event. I’ve never seen that type of spirit anywhere else.”

© Robert Stewart | BALLANTYNE Photography
And what about those who did not come from interstate? What about all the Tasmanian answers? We thought this one summed it up perfectly:
- “Made me proud to live in this fabulous city.”