Farewell Trim, hello ‘Trim’
May 13, 2016
Commercial Displays – everything for your boat!
June 9, 2016
This one is just too good to let it go. Can you remember the 2013 Wooden Boat Festival? Remember that crazy outback tin shed floating around the docks, belting out bush music to beat the band? Well, we tried, we really tried to get it back from country Victoria in 2015, but as it turned out, we couldn’t make it happen. Things got too complicated with transport and time and equipment, so we had to let it go and get on with the rest of the program.
But we liked it too much to just leave it alone, so we’re on the campaign trail again. I mean how complicated can it be to build a bush shed with a pile of old roofing iron, a few 44-gallon drums and a bit of timber? And there’s certainly no shortage of excellent bush musicians in Tasmania, so we want to give it another go and build one ourselves.
No, there aren’t any plans that we’ve ever seen, and we’ll have to find an old outboard to make it move, but we’re pretty sure the skills are out there and we can find the materials. If you’re a handy sort of a bloke (or Sheila, for that matter) and you wouldn’t mind giving it a go, give us a shout at the AWBF office and we’ll line you up with a place to build it.