Join Our Crew!
Be part of a passionate and diverse volunteer team that brings the Australian Wooden Boat Festival to life! Whether you’re into boat wrangling, decorating, entertainment, construction, or helping out with special events, there’s a role for everyone. From safety marshals to exhibition managers, kid’s activity coordinators, front of house and office staff, we welcome all levels of experience—whether you're a wooden boat enthusiast or just excited to be part of something unique.
If you have specific skills (or want to learn new ones), let us know, and we’ll find the perfect role for you!
Volunteer registrations for the 2027 AWBF are now open—sign up below, and our Volunteers Manager will be in touch in mid-2006.
Crew support us with:
- Customer service roles: such as providing directions and information to attendees, collecting feedback and data, front of house at venues, ticketing and volunteering at registration points and the call centre.
- Logistics & operational roles: such as set-up and pack-down of spaces/venues/stalls, installing signage, volunteering as a Festival runner, dock crew, on water activities and the control room.
- Arts, entertainment & activity roles: such as artist liaisons, photographers, AV technicians, coordinating demonstrations and children's activities, assisting with food and beverage.
- Administrative roles: such as collating and distributing event documentation, registration sheets, checklists, questionnaires and accreditation.
Crew acknowledgements:
- Recognition on our website (please let us know if wish to remain anonymous).
- Invitation to a Crew celebratory event during or post Festival.
- A limited edition Volunteer Crew lapel pin for every biennial Festival you volunteer. Collect all Festival pins and wear them with pride! (For pick-up during the Festival period).
Thank you to our wonderful 2025 volunteer crew - we couldn't do it without you!
Adam Willson, Adriana Bunda, Adrienne Johnson, Alex Nicholson, Alex Hirsch, Alison Turnure, Alison Ralph, Alison Brewster, Alison Pitt, Amillie White, Amy & Isla Lewis, Andrew Shaw, Andrew Wardrop, Andrew Fyfe, Andrew Boon, Andrew Hume, Andrew Stewart, Andy Spate, Annelle Maclennan, Ardaniah Maher, Barb Murphy, Barb Perrin, Barbara Frankel, Ben Tombs, Ben Cunningham, Bernadette Large, Bernard Chenery, Beverley Hitchens, Bill Potts, Bill Fitzgerald, Bob Blaauw, Bob Buchanan, Brendan Boon, Brenden Savage, Brett Cleary, Brian Bensley, Brian Grundy, Bruce Morley, Bruce Parr, Caroline Jakeman, Cary Lenehan, Catherine Cretan, Catherine Nicholson, Ceinwen Price, Chantelle Feilo, Charles Weston, Chloe Groom, Chris Robertson, Chris Williams, Christine Veal, Christine Mcminn, Christopher Palmer, Cindy Griffiths, Colin Brett, Craig Proctor, Cynthia Jenkins, Dallas Manning, Daniel Randa, Daniel Yeboah, Daniel Lewis, Danielle Pacaud, Danny Gillespie, Darren Phillips, Darren Scott, Darren Samphier, David Needham, David Taylor, David O'Leary, David Kerr, David Ryder, Davud Pennison, De Deegan, Dean Addison, Deborah Coulson, Derek Le Marchant, Diane Byrne (Cerritelli), Dion Dillon, Doug Fraser, Douglas Parke, Duncan Veal, Dylan Reid, Ed Wykman, Eli Strutt, Elizabeth Gordon, Elizabeth Osborne, Elke Bobenhausen, Emma Bartram, Endra O May, Enrico Colasacco, Eric Cave, Erica Stevenson, Errol Pyke, Finlay Cooper, Fiona Peate, Freya Broomhall, Garry Deutsher, Gary Morris, Gary Roberts, Gayle Hardley, Geoff Frost, Geoffrey Lea, Geoffrey Stride, Geoffrey Dannock, Georgie Branch, Georgina Laing, Geraldine Ryder, Gianmaria Delfino, Gillian Langley, Gillian Hunter, Glenn Tuffnell, Gordon Mcgill, Gordon Stewart, Graeme Nichols, Graeme Baxter, Graeme Hunt, Graeme Broxam, Graeme Clark, Graham Openshaw, Greg Maclennan, Gregory Hitchens, Harrison Dwyer, Heather Bird, Helen Audsley, Helen Nixon, Henry-Graham Lawson, Howard Colvin, Hugh Downie, Ian Sale, Ian Johnston, Ian Howarth, Ian Selby, Ian Williams, Ian Hey, Indiah Kairies, Indigo Lewis, Isabel Weidenhofer, Jack Barker, Jackie Witt, James Crowther, James Kiss, James Robinson, James Cretan, James Petrie, James Eagles, Jan Rush, Jan Behnke, Jane Kruup, Janet Lennie, Janice Miller, Janine Ramsey, Jeanette Matthews, Jennifer Birch, Jennifer Manison, Jennifer Rouse, Jess Lee, Jiri Vitesnik, Jodie Whan, John Sutherland, John Pretty, John Parker, John Brown, John Tisdell, John Lockie, John Moorfield, John Burkitt, John Deegan, John Kelly, John Martin, Jonathan Gaul, Jonathan Chadwick, Jono Walton, Joshua Dunn, Judy Milton, Judy Micklewright, Judy Arundell, Kaisei Yokoyama, Karen Mccrone, Karen Crawford, Kari Davila, Karin Zwick, Karin Petrie, Kate Johnston, Katharina Klaushofer, Kathleen Combes, Kenneth Alonte, Kerrie Coulson, Kerry Watson, Keryn Oude-Egberink, Kevin Chandler, Kevin Landman, Kit Soo, Klaus Ewikowski, Kylie Palmer, Laura Quinn, Lee Connors, Leigh Faulkner, Leon Spencer, Lesley Corrigal, Lewis May, Lili Raintree, Linda Oliver, Linda Munn, Linda Campbell, Lindsay Colwill, Lisa Bennett, Lorraine Alcorn, Lou Leol, Lyn Hewson, Lyndley Chopping, Lynette Cave, Lynette Boulton, Lynne Shaw, Madeleine Rowles, Maiko Howell, Malcolm Patton, Maragret Waddell, Marc Richards, Marcel Lenormand, Margaret Conran, Margaret Benjamin, Maria Pretty, Maria Riedl, Mark Pearson, Mark Powell, Mark Chladil, Mart Kruup, Mary-Jane Weld, Mathew Youssef, Matt Holden, Maurice Crawford, Mayumi Toya, Melanie Grey, Michael Andrews, Michael Mccluskey, Michael Tuck, Michael Hall, Michael Laing, Michael Hutchinson, Michael White, Michael Ambler, Mick Stapleton, Mick Hedger, Mike Powell, Millard Ziegler, Morven Andrews, Murray Caine, Naomi Gilson, Nate Rosebrooks, Nicholas Rhodes, Nick Tilyard, Nigel W.B. Legge, Nikos Andronis, Owen Frankel, Pam Nossiter, Pamela Murray, Patricia Saunders, Patti Farley, Paul Stephanus, Paul Fitzgerald, Paul Cox, Paul Lawler, Paul Egan, Paul Bennetts, Pauline Roberts, Peter Green, Peter Rowland, Peter Williams, Peter Evans, Peter Higgs, Peter George, Peter Venning, Peter Pearce, Peter Cretan, Peter Starkey, Peto Munyard, Phil Higgins, Phil Watson, Philip Atkinson, Philip Turnbull, Philip Bragg, Phillip Holt, Phillip Heaney, Phillip Lovering, Prue Spencer, Rebecca Gullifer, Rebekah Daly, Richard Bullough, Richard Catt, Rob Dickens, Rob Nolan, Rob Coulson, Robert Banfield, Robert Evans, Robert Thomas, Rodney Suckling, Roger Siversen, Roger Allen, Roger Macarthur-King, Rolf Shankley, Ronald Akhurst, Roscoe Barnett, Ross Bugg, Roy Robilliard, Roy Langman, Roy Blow, Ruby Rose Visoiu, Russell Dorrell, Sally Machray, Samuel Cooper, Sandy Dunne, Sandy Walton, Sarah Gooda, Sarah Collin, Sean O'Loughlin, Senne Weisbrodt, Sharon Zaucer, Sharon Bailey, Shirley Burkitt, Sonia Shimeld, Sophie Bennett, Stephen Aulich, Stephen Conran, Stephen Reid, Stephen Osborne, Steven Chopping, Stewart Edwards, Sue Hastie, Sue Pennison, Sue Morris, Susan Molyneux, Susan Steenbergen, Susan Powell, Susan Friend, Susan Foster, Susannah Forbes, Susie Allen, Suze Van Der Beek, Sylvi Thorstenson, Terese Fiedler, Thelma Morley, Theresa Johnson, Thomas Lowes, Thomas Cashion, Tia Mcgrath, Tiger Somerville, Tim Zabilowicz, Timothy Williams, Timothy Williamson, Tina-Jeamy Schneider, Tom Harris, Topher Morrey, Tracey Hume, Tricia De Jersey, Triny Fitzgerald, Tuong An Cap, Vernon Powell, William Schlesinger, William Denholm.