Interview with Andy Gamlin, Festival Co-Founder
June 29, 2020
2021 Festival Not Proceeding
August 14, 2020
In the May newsletter we introduced readers to My First Boat, a 2021 Festival project where adult / child teams build a small child-sized boat at home and bring it to the Festival for decorating and first launch.
We hope to get at least a dozen teams to register and build these boats over the September school holidays, in plenty of time for the Festival.
If you missed that article, read all about it here: https://www.australianwoodenboatfestival.com.au/my-first-boat/
To prepare for the project, our first team of builders, Josh Johnston and his team Imogen and Archer are the first to follow the instruction manual produced by John Longley to test if it all holds up…and it sure seems like it does. Here are some images of their progress below. Photos by Jemma Killingback.

And to think this is where they started – a couple sheets of CNC cut plywood from Denman Marine.