Food & Beverage Stalls

The AWBF welcomes a variety of food and beverage offerings during the four day festival. Organic, local and high quality produce is imperative to feed and water the thousands of punters wandering the site each day. We invite all varieties of stall set-ups, including trailers and self-contained operations, in addition to traditional marquees and pop-up venues. 

We also have spaces available in our premium Waterside Tavern, which opens until late with a popular entertainment schedule, waterside tavern garden area and views across Kings Pier. Join dozens of Tasmanian chefs, winemakers, cider producers and brewers to showcase the best Tassie has to offer. At the AWBF we like to ensure a variety of options, not only in pricing but in small tastes and meals. 

  • STANDARD 3m x 3m food & beverage stall - $2300 + GST. This includes 3m x 3m space for the 4 Festival days, a listing on the AWBF website & in the printed program.
  • STANDARD 6m x 3m food & beverage stall - $4600 + GST. This includes 6m x 3m space for the 4 Festival days, a listing on the AWBF website & in the printed program.
  • UP TO 4m TRAILER/TRUCK/VAN - $2300 + GST. This includes your trailer space for the 4 Festival days, a listing on the AWBF website & in the printed program.
  • 4m - 8m TRAILER/TRUCK/VAN - $4600 + GST. This includes your trailer space for the 4 Festival days, a listing on the AWBF website & in the printed program.
  • 8m + TRAILER/TRUCK/VAN - to be discussed.

*Each registration will be assessed, and you will be notified when you have been offered a space. Actual locations are determined by Festival Management, in consultation with Stallholders. The process does not work on a first in best dressed system, however it does help us in planning. Your space will not be confirmed until you have paid 50% of your total bill (within 30 days of acceptance).

Please carefully read the terms and conditions below, which include all of the information for bump in/out, set-up, staffing, and site requirements.

For further queries, please get in touch with Stallholder Manager Jesse at

Information, Terms & Conditions

By registering you accept you have read these terms & conditions:
1. In these conditions, ‘General Manager’ means the General Manager of the Australian Wooden Boat Festival Inc, or his/her authorised deputy and ‘Festival’ means the Australian Wooden Boat Festival.

2. The ‘Lessee’ is the person or business responsible for the operation of the stall.

3. The AWBF reserves the right to refuse any application.

4. Applications close at 5:00 pm on 1st November 2024.

5. A deposit of 50% of your site fee is required and an invoice will be sent. This amount is to be paid within 30 days of acceptance to confirm your space. Additionally, a $500 cleaning/damage fee will be added to the invoice, which will be returned to you after the AWBF 2025. The balance including extras to be received no later than close of business on 29th November 2024.

6. Site allocations will be at the discretion of the Festival and may be changed at any time.

7. The Lessee is not to go into possession of space allocated until 8.00 am on Thursday 6 February 2025 and said space to be used only and solely for the purpose specified in your application. Your site must be completely vacated no later than 6.00pm on Monday 10 February 2025.

8. The Lessee shall not dismantle the trading stall or remove a trailer during the period of the Festival without the permission of the General Manager, or until 3pm on Monday 10 February 2025.

9. Lessees, their employees and their volunteers are to conduct themselves in an orderly and respectful manner while they are on the Festival site.

10. No sub-letting is permitted unless by special written permission of the General Manager.

11. If the Festival has not received full payment of monies owing to AWBF Inc. with respect to the Festival, then entry to the site may be refused.

12. All games of chance and raffles where tickets are sold are strictly prohibited, except where special permission from the General Manager has been granted.

13. No exhibitor shall; a) allow their exhibit to extend beyond the limits of their allocated site or erect barriers to prevent free and uninterrupted passage of the public between exhibits; b) erect display signs or fencing in such a manner as to cause inconvenience to other exhibitors; c) paint or mark any of the Festival’s property.

14. The Festival reserves the right to regulate the level of sound produced by the Lessee including music, announcements or other noise, to a level that is acceptable to neighbouring site holders.

15. Selling goods, canvassing, or hawking in any portion of the grounds except on the Lessee’s site, is prohibited under this Contract. In event of the Lessee’s breaking this condition, AWBF Inc. shall have the power to cancel this Contract and remove the Lessee from the festival site.

16. AWBF Inc. accepts no liability for damage to electrical equipment, food stocks or goods under refrigeration due to power fluctuations or failure, whatever the cause.

17. The Lessee will obey the instructions of Festival officers when installing, moving or removing vehicles, trailers, goods or equipment. This includes the instructions regarding location, access, refrigerated containers, power supply and any other matter that may affect the safe and orderly conduct of the event.

18. The Lessee is required to keep and leave sites in a clean and orderly condition, equivalent to that prevailing before occupancy. The site will close on Tuesday 11 February 2025. Any goods or equipment left on site after this date becomes the property of the AWBF Inc.

19. Stallholders are responsible and liable for the condition of the area covered by this Contract from the time they commence the installation of their stall until they have dismantled it and cleared the area to the satisfaction of the Festival.

20. The General Manager shall have power to enter upon the Lessee’s site at any time and remove any article, sign, pictures, printed matter, or side-show which in their opinion may be a cause of offence to the public or the officials of the Festival.

21. Lessees must carry a minimum $20 million Public Liability Policy to cover their involvement at the AWBF. A copy of the policy must be provided to the AWBF before the exhibitor may enter the site. If have paid staff you will also need to forward a copy of your workers compensation insurance policy. This is to be provided upon final payment to confirm space. The AWBF reserve the right to reject entry if you have not provided these documents.

22. AWBF Inc. shall not, irrespective of the cause, be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever to the exhibitor’s property.

23. Lessees hereby agree to occupy and use the site at their own risk including commercial risk and shall accept all liability for loss, damage or injury whether to their own property or business or to the person or property of others howsoever the same shall occur and they hereby release and indemnify AWBF Inc. and its servants, agents, members or volunteers from any and all claims and demands of any kind and from all liability which may arise in respect of any circumstance, accident or occurrence giving rise to any loss, damage or injury to their own property or enterprise or the property or person of any others.

24. Lessees hereby undertake to conform with the requirements of any Act of Parliament or other lawful regulation governing the erection of structures, safe operation of a workplace or safe food handling including the requirements of the Pure Foods Act.

25. The General Manager shall have the right to inspect any structure and contents erected on the area covered by this contract and if in the opinion of the General Manager and after consulting the Tasmanian Fire Service, any part of any structure erected on this area gives rise to a risk of fire or any other danger to the public, that risk shall be eliminated by the Lessee. Failure to comply with such direction may result in removal of the risk by Festival management or closure of the trading site without compensation.

26. If the Festival finds it necessary or expedient to withdraw from the patronage of the public the whole of any part of the grounds not occupied by the Exhibitors, such withdrawal shall not vitiate this Contract or confer upon the Lessee any right to recover from the AWBF Inc. compensation on the grounds of loss of profits or otherwise whatsoever.

27. Any refunds of monies due to cancellation by the exhibitor will be at the discretion of the Festival.

28. If the Festival finds it necessary or expedient to cancel or postpone the Event, this Contract shall cease to operate upon notice to that effect being served on the exhibitor at the address mentioned in the records of the Festival.

29. Exhibitors will be liable for all costs of repairs resulting from any damage done by the Lessee or their employees or their volunteers to any article of equipment, infrastructure or underground services.

30. No persons are permitted to stay on-site overnight, unless with express permission of the General Manager.

31. The AWBF Inc. reserves the right to cancel this Contract and retain all monies in connection therewith if there is any infringement of the foregoing conditions.

32. Stallholders are required to use only certified compostable packaging satisfactory to event management for service of all food and beverages. Glass bottles for packaged beverages are acceptable. Bulk packaging materials must be removed by the stall-holder on a daily basis.

33. The stall-holder must provide the AWBF Inc. with a financial report of stall takings at the conclusion of the Festival (within 5 days), to assist the AWBC Inc. with future planning, location options, and the curation of the event. This is to improve stall-holder and Festival performance.