Board member since 2018
Sarah is the builder and volunteer Master, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Trustee of the sail training brigantine Windeward Bound. Launched in 1996, Windeward Bound is funded by a diverse group of sponsors & supporters and continues to be the National Flagship of the Naval Association of Australia. In 2018, Sarah and her organisation were gifted the historic 1922 John Alden designed gaff schooner Mistral II, which she and her team are currently restoring in Constitution Dock.
Her position as Vice President of Tall Ships Australia & New Zealand gives her unique knowledge, vast networks and invaluable input towards the Festival’s Feature Vessels and Tall Ships. These vessels’ attendance contributes greatly to the Festival’s vibrant waterfront atmosphere and overall success.
Sarah enjoys finding solutions for complex organizational challenges. She provides a seamless conduit between the various Port and Festival Authorities and understands the issues which need to be addressed when finding solutions agreeable to all parties, while aiming to maximize benefits to the AWBF.
Sarah’s connections have delivered valuable aid to the Australian Wooden Boat Festival, one example being her role in getting vessels and equipment to Hobart for the 2019 Festival by arranging the assistance of the Royal Australian Navy. Sarah has had a direct, and ongoing, association with RAN for 35+ yrs.
In 2017, Sarah was awarded International Sail Trainer of the Year for her work. Additionally, in 2019 she was awarded finalist Nominee for the 2020 Senior Australian of the Year.
Sarah has spearheaded efforts to build and strengthen relationships with builders and owners of wooden, classic and traditional vessels within the Tasmanian and Australian indigenous communities. She also looks forward to working with NZ/Polynesian indigenous crafts participants in future Festivals.
Sarah is a member of the Tasmanian Maritime Museum, and also a life member and former Board Member (and Treasurer of) the Sydney Maritime Museum (now known as the Sydney Heritage Fleet). She is a former Vice President of the Naval Association of Australia, and former Vice President of the Tasmanian Government operated Project Hahn Youth Program.