Australian Wooden Boat Festival: 10th - 13th February 2023

Imagine wandering around Hobart’s splendid waterfront with a forest of tall ship masts as a backdrop and coming across a crew of ‘pirates’ singing sea shanties. Or maybe a dramatized re-enactment of the glory days when a Tassie yacht regularly whopped Australia’s finest contenders to win the coveted Albert Gold and Forster Cups in a period spanning over 25 years (The Story of the Tassie). If you have small sailors with you, imagine the delight of exploring the Little Sailors Village where all sorts of activities are on offer to expand the minds of the young and entertain their more-senior ship-mates.  


Proudly supported by The Old Woolstore Apartment Hotel, the Little Sailors Village will provide a family friendly grassy space to come and relax. Enjoy the free entertainment, bring a picnic blanket and simply enjoy the surroundings in style. 

Activity Day Start Finish
Ceremonial Sunset Friday 1930 2000
Bipedal Beetles Saturday 1000 1100
Face Painting Saturday 1000 1600
Polyglot, Boats Saturday 1030 1230
The Story of Tassie Saturday 1100 1200
Circus Workshops Saturday 1130 1530
MAKEBELIEVE On the Sea Saturday 1500 1600
Bipedal Beetles Saturday 1600 1700
Polygot, Boats Sunday 1030 1230
Bipedal Beetles Sunday 1100 1200
Face Painting Sunday 1100 1600
The Story of Tassie Sunday 1200 1300
Circus Workshops Sunday 1230 1530
Scallywags, Water Safety Sunday 1300 1400
The Story of Tassie Sunday 1400 1500
Polyglot,Boats Sunday 1400 1600
Scallywags, Water Safety Sunday 1500 1600
Bipedal Beetles Sunday 1600 1700
Face Painting Monday 1000 1400
MAKEBELIEVE On the Sea Monday 1030 1130
Polyglot, Boats Monday 1100 1300
The Story of Tassie Monday 1130 1230
MAKEBELIEVE On the Sea Monday 1230 1330
The Story of Tassie Monday 1330 1430

Looking for a little something extra to enhance your Festival experience?