Australian Wooden Boat Festival: 10th - 13th February 2023
Imagine wandering around Hobart’s splendid waterfront with a forest of tall ship masts as a backdrop and coming across a crew of ‘pirates’ singing sea shanties. Or maybe a dramatized re-enactment of the glory days when a Tassie yacht regularly whopped Australia’s finest contenders to win the coveted Albert Gold and Forster Cups in a period spanning over 25 years (The Story of the Tassie). If you have small sailors with you, imagine the delight of exploring the Little Sailors Village where all sorts of activities are on offer to expand the minds of the young and entertain their more-senior ship-mates.
Proudly supported by The Old Woolstore Apartment Hotel, the Little Sailors Village will provide a family friendly grassy space to come and relax. Enjoy the free entertainment, bring a picnic blanket and simply enjoy the surroundings in style.

My First Boat Precinct
Meet the My First Boat contingent: a team of budding young yachtsmen and women building their very first rowing boat. Watch the kids finish their boats ready for a parade to Con Dock to launch their first boats! Kits are available online ( and we hope to grow the fleet each festival.

Woodcraft Guild
Join skilled members of the Woodcraft Guild Tasmania to build your own pre-cut little timber boat then take it for a sail around the Little Sailors Village 'pop up pond'. A community group of like minded enthusiasts, happy to help the next generation of budding builders and sailors.

Heron Hospital
Visit the ‘Heron Hospital’ to view and be part of the restoration and maintenance program of these iconic sailing dinghies. A perfect opportunity for young and old to get into the wooden boat world, have a go with the chisel or grab a paint brush. Many hands make light work!
Activity | Day | Start | Finish |
Ceremonial Sunset | Friday | 1930 | 2000 |
Bipedal Beetles | Saturday | 1000 | 1100 |
Face Painting | Saturday | 1000 | 1600 |
Polyglot, Boats | Saturday | 1030 | 1230 |
The Story of Tassie | Saturday | 1100 | 1200 |
Circus Workshops | Saturday | 1130 | 1530 |
MAKEBELIEVE On the Sea | Saturday | 1500 | 1600 |
Bipedal Beetles | Saturday | 1600 | 1700 |
Polygot, Boats | Sunday | 1030 | 1230 |
Bipedal Beetles | Sunday | 1100 | 1200 |
Face Painting | Sunday | 1100 | 1600 |
The Story of Tassie | Sunday | 1200 | 1300 |
Circus Workshops | Sunday | 1230 | 1530 |
Scallywags, Water Safety | Sunday | 1300 | 1400 |
The Story of Tassie | Sunday | 1400 | 1500 |
Polyglot,Boats | Sunday | 1400 | 1600 |
Scallywags, Water Safety | Sunday | 1500 | 1600 |
Bipedal Beetles | Sunday | 1600 | 1700 |
Face Painting | Monday | 1000 | 1400 |
MAKEBELIEVE On the Sea | Monday | 1030 | 1130 |
Polyglot, Boats | Monday | 1100 | 1300 |
The Story of Tassie | Monday | 1130 | 1230 |
MAKEBELIEVE On the Sea | Monday | 1230 | 1330 |
The Story of Tassie | Monday | 1330 | 1430 |

Ceremonial Sunset
A guard from members of the visiting HMAS Toowoomba and the Tasmanian contingent of the Royal Australian Navy Band will present a traditional ‘Ceremonial Sunset’.
The ceremony consists of the ‘Beat to Quarters’, saluting the lowering of the Ensign at sunset and a volley of shots saluting the knell of parting day.
Image courtesy of the Royal Australian Navy.

Bipedal Beetles
The 'Sands Family Circus' perform a highly acrobatic, entertaining family show as the Bipedal Beetles.
Be Bamboozled by a Bedlam of Beautiful Bouncing Bipedal Beetles Balancing Boldly Between Bouts of Bashful and Batty Behaviour.

Face Painting
Always popular with the little ones —and some of the bigger ones too!

Polyglot, Boats
You will find Boats in the strangest of places – on dry land! Children and their families use their imaginations and small colourful boats to go on exciting, sea-faring adventures across the wide-open oceans of town squares and park lawns. There are islands to visit, stranded crew members to rescue, castaways and seagulls.
Boats is an energetic experience that can absorb children from 10 minutes to hours and hours. More Information here.

The Story of Tassie
The Story of Tassie tells how the ‘Butterbox’ fared against the aristocrats of Australia’s 21’ yachts, in the national blue ribbon event of the day.
It’s an inspiring story of vision, craftsmanship, and skill at the helm. The play is presented to you by Big Monkey Theatre, written and directed by Les Winspear and features some of Hobart’s top acting talent.

Circus Workshops
Presented by Circus Art Tasmania, ever wanted to run away to the circus?
Join in the colourful, fun, interactive experience here at the Little Sailors Village; open to all ages and accessibilities. Learn how to juggle, diablo or have a crack at the spinning plate. Fun for everyone!

Climb aboard the good ship MAKEBELIEVE for an adventure on the high seas with Tasmania's most popular musical group for children!

Exitleft presents HOW I BECAME A PIRATE
Sail off on a fantastic musical excursion when a band of comical pirates lands at North Beach looking for an expert digger to join their crew.
Braid Beard and his mates enlist young Jeremy Jacob as they look for the perfect spot to bury their treasure. Jeremy finds that adventuring can be lots of fun, but also learns that love and home are treasures you can’t find on any map!
Perfect for your littlest swashbuckler and pirates of all ages. Why not get in the spirit and come come dressed as your favourite pirate!
*Based on the best selling children’s book by Melinda Long and David Shannon.

Scallywags, Water Safety
The Scallywags is Australia's hottest new act aimed at the younger generation. Written by legendary Tasmanian playwright and entertainer Daryl Peebles and created by the ExitLeft Productions theatrical team, the show is a colourful, fun-filled adventure written to reinforce good behaviour for toddlers and primary aged children.
Scallywags deals with the issues that are high on a little person's agenda as well as introducing safety issues to do with the world around them in a gentle fun way