Australian Wooden Boat Festival

September 23, 2016

At the Far Side of the World

At the Far Side of the World …there’s work afoot.  In the Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands, talk of the MyState Australian Wooden Boat Festival in […]
September 23, 2016

Using Your Windlass the Right Way

Using Your Windlass the Right Way   After 28 years with Tasmania’s Muir Engineering, Craig McNaughton knows a windlass when he sees one. Here, he gives us […]
August 14, 2016

Maritime Stars Line Up For AWBF

There’s a wonderful line-up of feature vessels in store for visitors to the 2017 Australian Wooden Boat Festival, including the mighty James Craig, the popular return […]
August 14, 2016

Wooden Boat Symposium Gathers Strength

There’s a stellar line-up planned for the 2017 International Wooden Boat Symposium, sponsored by the Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM) and directed by AWBF board member […]
August 14, 2016

AWBF Event Stats and Deadlines

Festival Stats and Deadlines It’s the largest wooden boat festival in the Southern Hemisphere and it takes two years to organise, but it continues an upward […]
July 15, 2016

Game On For Dutch Boat Project

The theme of the Australian Wooden Boat Festival in 2017 is Tasmania’s long Dutch history, starting with the visit of navigator and explorer Abel Janszoon Tasman some […]
July 14, 2016

Rapid Fill for AWBF 2017

Expressions of Interest Coming in Fast Selectors report that Expressions of Interest (EOIs) are running high for the Australian Wooden Boat Festival 2017, but that there’s […]