
Used for news page posts.

May 27, 2018
margueritte awbf 2013

Every Picture Tells a Story

There’s nothing like a good photograph to tell a story and over the years, there’s been many a story to come out of the MyState Australian […]
May 27, 2018
Juliene at Ketchum Bay Cove

Sailing to Tasmania

Thinking of Sailing to Tasmania for AWBF 2019? With about six months to go before the next festival, we have started receiving enquiries from mainland boat […]
May 27, 2018

Cathy’s New Adventure

Cathy Hawkins, one of the founders of the Australian Wooden Boat Festival, has never been shy about adventuring.  She’s been an offshore ocean racer, an Antarctic […]
May 27, 2018

Mal’s Panels Tell Stories

Sometimes even old friends can surprise you.  Who knew that Mal Riley, meteorologist, journalist and master of the Lady Nelson here in Hobart, was also dab […]
April 17, 2018

AWBF 2019 – Open for Business

We are delighted to say that the MyState Australian Wooden Boat Festival 2019 is officially open for business, with release of the Expression of Interest portal […]
April 17, 2018

Classic & Wooden Boat Show in Sydney

Many thanks to our hosts at the Australian National Maritime Museum, for great hospitality and a prime position at the recent Classic & Wooden Boat Show […]
April 17, 2018

Once a Shipwright…

Our peripatetic (OK, we looked it up for you – means wandering about with a purpose) Media Manager, Daryl Peebles, has an eye for a story, […]