
Used for news page posts.

February 18, 2018

Wright of Passage Project

We hear a lot of extraordinary stories about special boats preparing for the MyState Australian Wooden Boat Festival, but this one is particularly inspiring. David Pescud […]
February 18, 2018

Restoration Workshop in Sydney – Be Quick!

AMMC Workshop – 22-23 February   ‘Navigating Restoration’ Ways and means of restoring historic vessels from small boats to ships The Australian Maritime Museums Council is well-known for presenting lively […]
December 15, 2017

Maori Lass Gets Some Attention

Our long-serving Dock Master, Ross Barnett, is a man who knows a thing or two about wooden boats. He’d restored enough of them, God knows, and […]
December 15, 2017

A 400-Year Anniversary

Wooden ships played a critical role in the history of early European expansion, simply because ships capable of crossing oceans with passengers and cargo were unlikely […]
December 15, 2017

The Tao of Woodcraft

    Among the woodcraft luminaries coming to the Australia Wooden Boat Festival in 2019, the latest to confirm is Jim Tolpin, an acclaimed woodworker, teacher […]
December 15, 2017

The Great Canoe Race

A Japanese company and an Australian company decided to have a canoe race on the Huon River at Franklin, Tasmania. Both teams practiced long and hard […]
November 21, 2017

Where Have All the Ferries Gone?

Where have all the ferries gone? Preana skipper and Tasmanian polymath Sam Yousofi writes: For the past decade, I have been dreaming of starting a river […]